The Simms Medal, awarded by the Royal Automobile Club and named after its founder Frederick Simms, recognises a genuine contribution to automotive innovation by individuals and companies. The Simms Medal is awarded only in the years when an example of sufficiently innovative automotive design and/or manufacture has taken place, rather than being an annual award.
John Wood MBE, Head of the Royal Automobile Club Technical Committee, said: ‘The HIPERCAR is an outstanding example of next-generation technology and lightning-fast development. If it had been the product of a major international vehicle manufacturer, it would be remarkable enough, but it is the result of three SMEs who have worked together on an immense technical challenge. ‘In bringing to market cutting edge high performance low-carbon technology, the HIPERCAR Consortium is helping to reduce emissions, safeguarding or creating jobs and developing UK automotive capability. As such, we had no hesitation in awarding the group the Simms Medal for 2017.